Children’s Ministry

Welcome, Families!

We are a dedicated community that takes children’s faith discovery and development seriously and joyfully. The goal of Children’s Ministry is to offer a safe environment where children from birth through Grade 5 and their families can take part in a wide range of opportunities that nurture and encourage spiritual growth for the entire family.

Our children’s ministry is based upon the following values:

We are an inclusive community where each child and family is welcomed and appreciated for their unique gifts and presence in our community.

We are intentional in our efforts to build connections with children and their families, to keep our children connected to the broader church community and to purposely foster healthy relationships with youth and adults.

Together we explore what it means to love God and to love our neighbors through Sunday School, Children’s Church, Faith in Action service projects, Kids Night Out, and more!

For questions or comments, or to simply say “Hi!” please contact Tricia Guerrero, Pastoral Associate for Family Ministries. Contact or call (310) 393-8258 ext. 104

Additional Children and Family Resources:

Stay Connected! Subscribe to receive the Youth and Children email directly in your inbox each week.

Sunday School: Families begin worship with us each week in the Sanctuary before heading to Sunday School following the Children’s Message. Read More

Request a Prayer – from Tricia

Make a Donation – Your continued financial support of the church is now more important than ever.  Consider making a donation today.

Families United Against Racism: Resources and opportunities to learn about and stand against racism as a family.

First UMC takes the safety of the children and youth very seriously. We follow Safe Sanctuaries® practices, which is our commitment to the physical safety and spiritual growth of all of our children, youth, and adults. Read our policy page. For more information about these safety measures call the church office (310) 393-8258.

Learn more about Youth Ministry.

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