UMYF: Sweets for a Cause

Sweets for a Cause 2023
The First UMC Youth held their annual in-person fundraiser during Church Charge Conference. They raised over $500 for Meals on Wheels West, a foundation who provides community-based services that nourish and enrich the lives of our homebound neighbors of all ages by providing nutritious meals, friendly calling and friendly visiting, including referrals to other services that promote independent living and wellbeing. THANK YOU! to all who bought baked goods!

Nov 2022: The Youth Group extend a big THANK YOU to all who purchased goodies and donated for their fundraiser. Proceeds will go towards the purchase of Heifer International’s Dream Baskets. The Dream Basket empowers women by offering them a sustainable future. It is filled with shares of a sheep, heifer, goat, rabbits, and a flock of chicks. 

The Youth’s Goal was 10 baskets or $1,200 plus the support of an anonymous matching donor. The youth are excited to report that they will be donating $2,600 (21 baskets!)! A huge thank you for your participation in this year’s Sweets for a Cause!

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